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Advanced Example


Please also have a look at the JSON Schema for a full reference of available options.

The following file contains a full-featured set of cunīcu's options.

You can find the file at:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2025 Steffen Vogel <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# yaml-language-server: $schema=

# An interval at which cunīcu will periodically check for added,
# removed or modified WireGuard interfaces.
watch_interval: 1s

## Signaling backends
# These backends are used for exchanging control-plane messages
# between the peers.
# E.g. ICE candidates, Peer information
- grpc://
# - grpc://localhost:8080?insecure=true&skip_verify=true

# RPC control socket settings
# Path to a Unix socket for management
# and monitoring of the cunicu daemon.
socket: /run/cunicu.sock

# Start of cunīcu daemon will block until
# its unblocked via the control socket.
# Mostly useful for testing automation
wait: false

# Logging configuration
# Show a banner during start of daemon
banner: true

# Use one of
# - auto only colorize log output on TTYs
# - never never colorize log output
# - always always colorize log output
color: auto

# A path to a custom log file
file: mylogfile.log

# The standard log level
level: info

# Additional logging rules
# Rule syntax:
# LEVEL: one of
# - SEVERITY for matching all levels with equal or higher severity
# - >SEVERITY for matching all levels with higher severity
# - =SEVERITY for matching all levels with equal severity
# - <SEVERITY for matching all levels with lower severity
# SEVERITY: one of
# - debug10..debug1
# - debug
# - info
# - warn
# - error
# - fatal
# - panic
# NAMESPACE: one of
# - namespace should be exactly this namespace
# - *mat*ch* should match
# - -NAMESPACE should not match a namespace
- debug5:watcher,daemon
- debug6:epdisc.*

#### Interface settings start here
# The following settings can be overwritten for each interface
# using the 'interfaces' settings (see below).
# The following settings will be used as default.

## WireGuard interface settings
# These settings configure WireGuard specific settings
# of the interface.

# A base64 private key generated by wg genkey.
# Will be automatically generated if not provided.
private_key: KLoqDLKgoqaUkwctTd+Ov3pfImOfadkkvTdPlXsuLWM=

# Create WireGuard interfaces using bundled wireguard-go
# user space implementation. This will be the default
# if there is no WireGuard kernel module present.
userspace: false

# A range constraint for an automatically assigned
# selected listen port.
# If the interface has no listen port specified, cunīcu
# will use the first available port from this range.
min: 52820
max: 65535

# A 16-bit port for listening. Optional;
# If not specified, first available port from listen_port_range
# will be used.
listen_port: 51825

# A 32-bit fwmark for outgoing packets which can be used
# for Netfilter or TC classification.
# If set to 0 or "off", this option is disabled.
# May be specified in hexadecimal by prepending "0x". Optional.
fwmark: 0x1000

# The remote WireGuard peers provided as a dictionary
# The keys of this dictionary are used as names for the peers
# A base64 public key calculated by wg pubkey from a private key,
# and usually transmitted out of band
# to the author of the configuration file.
public_key: FlKHqqQQx+bTAq7+YhwEECwWRg2Ih7NQ48F/SeOYRH8=

# A base64 pre-shared key generated by wg genpsk.
# Optional, and may be omitted.
# This option adds an additional layer of symmetric-key
# cryptography to be mixed into the already existing
# public-key cryptography, for post-quantum resistance.
preshared_key: zu86NBVsWOU3cx4UKOQ6MgNj3gv8GXsV9ATzSemdqlI=

# A pre-shared passphrase which is used to derive a preshared key.
# cunīcu is using Argon2id as the key derivation function.
preshared_key_passphrase: some-shared-passphrase

# An endpoint IP or hostname, followed by a colon,
# and then a port number. This endpoint will be updated
# automatically to the most recent source IP address and
# port of correctly authenticated packets from the peer.
# If provided, no endpoint discovery will be performed.

# A time duration, between 1 and 65535s inclusive, of how
# often to send an authenticated empty packet to the peer
# for the purpose of keeping a stateful firewall or NAT mapping
# valid persistently. For example, if the interface very rarely
# sends traffic, but it might at anytime receive traffic from a
# peer, and it is behind NAT, the interface might benefit from
# having a persistent keepalive interval of 25 seconds.
# If set to zero, this option is disabled.
# By default or when unspecified, this option is off.
# Most users will not need this. Optional.
persistent_keepalive: 120s

# A comma-separated list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses with
# CIDR masks from which incoming traffic for this peer is
# allowed and to which outgoing traffic for this peer is directed.
# The catch-all may be specified for matching
# all IPv4 addresses, and ::/0 may be specified for matching
# all IPv6 addresses. May be specified multiple times.

## Basic interface settings

# The Maximum Transfer Unit of the WireGuard interface.
# If not specified, the MTU is automatically determined from
# the endpoint addresses or the system default route,
# which is usually a sane choice.
# However, to manually specify an MTU to override this
# automatic discovery, this value may be specified explicitly.
mtu: 1420

# A list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses (optionally with CIDR masks)
# to be assigned to the interface.
# May be specified multiple times.

# A list of prefixes which cunicu uses to derive local addresses
# from the interfaces public key
- fc2f:9a4d::/32

# A list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses to be set as the interface's
# DNS servers, or non-IP hostnames to be set as the interface's
# DNS search domains.
# May be specified multiple times.
# Upon bringing the interface up, this runs `resolvconf -a tun.INTERFACE -m 0 -x`
# and upon bringing it down, this runs `resolvconf -d tun.INTERFACE`.
# If these particular invocations of resolvconf(8) are undesirable,
# custom hooks can be used instead.

## Config synchronization
# Synchronize local WireGuard interface configuration with wg(8) config-files.

# Enable config synchronization
sync_config: false

# Keep watching for changes in the configuration and apply them on-the-fly
watch_config: false

## Route Synchronization
# Synchronize the kernel routing table with WireGuard's AllowedIPs setting
# It checks for routes in the kernel routing table which have a peers address
# as next-hop and adds those routes to the AllowedIPs setting of the respective peer.
# In reverse, also networks listed in a peers AllowedIPs setting will be installed as a
# kernel route with the peers address as the routes next-hop.

# Enable route synchronization
sync_routes: true

# Kernel routing table which is used
# On Linux, see /etc/iproute2/rt_tables for table ids and names
routing_table: 254

# Keep watching the for changes in the kernel routing table via netlink multicast group.
watch_routes: true

## /etc/hosts synchronization
# Synchronizes the local /etc/hosts file with host names and addresses of connected peers.

# Enable hosts file synchronization
sync_hosts: true

# The domain name which is appended to each of the peer host names
domain: wg-local

## Peer discovery
# Peer discovery finds new peers within the same community and adds them to the respective interface

# Enable/disable peer discovery
discover_peers: true

# The hostname which gets advertised to remote peers
hostname: my-node

# A passphrase shared among all peers of the same community
community: "some-common-password"

# Networks which are reachable via this peer and get advertised to remote peers
# These will be part of this interfaces AllowedIPs at the remote peers.

# A list of WireGuard public keys which are accepted peers
# If not configured, all peers will be accepted.
- coNsGPwVPdpahc8U+dbbWGzTAdCd6+1BvPIYg10wDCI=

# A list if WireGuard public keys which are rejected as peers
- AOZzBaNsoV7P8vo0D5UmuIJUQ7AjMbHbGt2EA8eAuEc=

## Endpoint discovery
# Endpoint discovery uses Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) as used by WebRTC to
# gather a list of candidate endpoints and performs connectivity checks to find a suitable
# endpoint address which can be used by WireGuard

# Enable/disable endpoint discovery
discover_endpoints: true

# Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) parameters
# A list of STUN and TURN servers used by ICE.
# Community provided STUN/TURN servers
- grpc://

# Public STUN servers

# Caution: OpenRelay servers are located in Ontario, Canada.
# Beware of the latency!
# See also:
# -
# -
# -

# Credentials for STUN/TURN servers configured above.
username: ""
password: ""

# Allow connections to STUNS/TURNS servers for which we can not validate TLS certificates.
insecure_skip_verify: false

# Limit available network and candidate types.
# network_types: [udp4, udp6, tcp4, tcp6]
# candidate_types: [host, srflx, prflx, relay]

# A glob(7) pattern to match interfaces against which are used to gather ICE candidates (e.g. \"eth[0-9]\").
interface_filter: "*"

# Lite agents do not perform connectivity check and only provide host candidates.
lite: false

# Enable local Multicast DNS discovery.
mdns: false

# Sets the max amount of binding requests the agent will send over a candidate pair for validation or nomination.
# If after the the configured number, the candidate is yet to answer a binding request or a nomination we set the pair as failed.
max_binding_requests: 7

# SetNAT1To1IPs sets a list of external IP addresses of 1:1 (D)NAT and a candidate type for which the external IP address is used.
# This is useful when you are host a server using Pion on an AWS EC2 instance which has a private address, behind a 1:1 DNAT with a public IP (e.g. Elastic IP).
# In this case, you can give the public IP address so that Pion will use the public IP address in its candidate instead of the private IP address.
# nat_1to1_ips:
# -

# Limit the port range used by ICE
# Minimum port for allocation policy for ICE sockets (range: 0-65535)
min: 49152

# Maximum port for allocation policy for ICE sockets (range: 0-65535)
max: 65535

# Interval at which the agent performs candidate checks in the connecting phase
check_interval: 200ms

# Time until an Agent transitions disconnected.
# If the duration is 0, the ICE Agent will never go to disconnected
disconnected_timeout: 5s

# Time until an Agent transitions to failed after disconnected
# If the duration is 0, we will never go to failed.
failed_timeout: 5s

# Time to wait before ICE restart
restart_timeout: 5s

# Interval between STUN keepalives (should be less then connection timeout above).
# Af the interval is 0, we never send keepalive packets
keepalive_interval: 2s

## Hook callbacks
# Hook callback can be used to invoke subprocesses
# or web-hooks on certain events within cunīcu.

# An 'exec' hook spawn a subprocess for each event.
- type: exec
command: ../../scripts/

# Prepend additional arguments
args: []

# Pass JSON object via Stdin to command
stdin: true

# Set environment variables for invocation
COLOR: "1"

# A 'web' hook performs HTTP requests for each event.
- type: web

# URL of the webhook endpoint

# HTTP method of the request
method: POST

# Additional HTTP headers which are used for the requests
User-Agent: ahoi
Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX

## Interface specific settings / overwrites.
# Most of the top-level settings of this configuration file can be customized
# for specific interfaces.
# The keys of the 'interfaces' dictionary are glob(7) patterns which will be
# matched against the interface names.
# Settings are overlayed in the order in which the keys are provided in the
# interface map.
# Keys which are not a glob(8) pattern, will be created as new interfaces if
# they do not exist already in the system.
# A simple interface specific setting
# cunicu will set the private key of interface 'wg0' to the provided value.
discover_endpoints: false

# No settings are overwritten. But since this is not a glob pattern,
# A new interface named 'wg1' will be created if it does not exist yet.
# The same applies to the previous interface 'wg0'
wg1: {}

# Create a new interface using the wireguard-go user-space implementation.
userspace: true

# This pattern configuration will be applied to all interfaces which match the pattern.
# This rule will not create any new interfaces.
community: "mysecret-pass"


# Multiple patterns are supported and evaluated in the order they a defined in the configuration file.
network_types: [ udp6 ]