cunīcu is a user-space daemon managing WireGuard® interfaces to establish peer-to-peer connections in harsh network environments.
cunīcu is a user-space daemon managing WireGuard® interfaces to establish peer-to-peer connections in harsh network environments.
It relies on the awesome pion/ice package for the interactive connectivity establishment as well as bundles the Go user-space implementation of WireGuard in a single binary for environments in which WireGuard kernel support has not landed yet.
-q, --color string Enable colorization of output (one of: auto, always, never) (default "auto")
-l, --log-file stringArray path of a file to write logs to
-d, --log-level stringArray log level filter rule (one of: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, and fatal) (default "info")
-h, --help help for cunicu
- cunicu addresses - Derive IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from a WireGuard X25519 public key
- cunicu completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- cunicu config - Manage configuration of a running cunīcu daemon.
- cunicu daemon - Start the main daemon
- cunicu invite - Add a new peer to the local daemon configuration and return the required configuration for this new peer
- cunicu monitor - Monitor the cunīcu daemon for events
- cunicu relay - Start relay API server
- cunicu restart - Restart the cunīcu daemon
- cunicu selfupdate - Update the cunīcu binary
- cunicu signal - Start gRPC signaling server
- cunicu status - Show current status of the cunīcu daemon, its interfaces and peers
- cunicu stop - Shutdown the cunīcu daemon
- cunicu sync - Synchronize cunīcu daemon state
- cunicu version - Show version of the cunīcu binary and optionally also a running daemon
- cunicu wg - WireGuard commands