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cunicu version

Show version of the cunīcu binary and optionally also a running daemon

cunicu version [flags]


$ sudo cunicu version
client: v0.1.2 (os=linux, arch=arm64, commit=b22ee3e7, branch=main, built-at=2022-09-09T13:44:22+02:00, built-by=goreleaser)
daemon: v0.1.2 (os=linux, arch=arm64, commit=b22ee3e7, branch=main, built-at=2022-09-09T13:44:22+02:00, built-by=goreleaser)


  -f, --format format   Output format (one of: human, json) (default "human")
-h, --help help for version
-s, --short Only show version and nothing else

Options inherited from parent commands

  -q, --color string            Enable colorization of output (one of: auto, always, never) (default "auto")
-l, --log-file stringArray path of a file to write logs to
-d, --log-level stringArray log level filter rule (one of: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, and fatal) (default "info")


  • cunicu - cunīcu is a user-space daemon managing WireGuard® interfaces to establish peer-to-peer connections in harsh network environments.